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148 Åkesson M, Bensch S, Hasselquist D, Tarka M, Hansson B. 2008. Estimating heritabilities and genetic correlations: comparing the animal model with parent off-spring regression using data from a natural population. PLoS (Public Library of Science) ONE 3(3):e1739.
147 Fåglar i Kvismaren - årsskrift 2006. Volym 22, 2007(1)68 pages. Örebro.
146 Åkesson M, Hansson B, Hasselquist D, Bensch S. 2007. Linkage mapping of AFLP markers in a wild population of great reed warblers: importance of heterozygosity and number of genotyped individuals. Molecular Ecology 16:2189-2202.
145 Westerdahl H, Waldenström J, Hansson B, Hasselquist D, von Schantz T, Bensch S. 2005. Associations between malaria and MHC genes in a migratory songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B 272:1511-1518.
144 Bensch S, Waldenström J, Jonzén N, Westerdahl H, Hansson B, Sejberg D, Hasselquist D. 2007. Temporal dynamics and diversity of avian malaria parasites in a single host species. Journal of Animal Ecology 76:112-122.
143 Dawson DA, Åkesson M, Burke T, Pemberton JM, Slate J, Hansson B. 2007. Gene order and recombination rate in homologous chromosome regions of the chicken and a passerine bird. Molecular Biology and Evolution 24:1537-1552.
142 Hansson B, Jack L, Christians JK, Pemberton JM, Åkesson M, Westerdahl H, Bensch S, Hasselquist D. 2007. No evidence for inbreeding avoidance in a great reed warbler population. Behavioural Ecology 18:157-164.
141 Åkesson M, Bensch S, Hasselquist D. 2007. Genetic and phenotypic associations in morphological traits: a long term study of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Journal of Avian Biology 38:58-72.
140 Fåglar i Kvismaren - årsskrift 2005. Volym 21, 2006(1)64 pages. Örebro.
139 Forstmeier W, Hasselquist D, Bensch S, Leisler B. 2006. Does song reflect age and viability? A comparison between two populations of the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 59:634-643.
138 Hansson B, Åkesson M, Slate J, Pemberton J M. 2005. Linkage mapping reveals sex-dimorphic map distances in a passerine bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B 272:2289-2298 .
137 Fåglar i Kvismaren - årsskrift 2004. Volym 20, 2005(1)64 pages. Örebro.
136 Westerdahl H. 2004. No evidence of an MHC-based female mating preference in great reed warblers. Molecular Ecology 13:2465-2470.
135 Westerdahl H, Wittzell H, von Schantz T, Bensch S. 2004. MHC class I typing in a songbird with numerous loci and high polymorphism using motif-specific PCR and DGGE. Heredity 92:534-542.
134 Hansson B, Bensch S, Hasselquist D. 2004. Lifetime fitness of short- and long-distance dispersing great reed warblers. Evolution 58:2546-2557.
133 Ej inskickad för publicering (preparation cancelled) .
132 Hansson B. 2004. Marker-based relatedness predicts egg-hatching failure in great reed warblers. Conservation Genetics 5:339-348.
131 Arlt D, Hansson B, Bensch S, von Schantz T, Hasselquist D. 2004. Breeding synchrony does not affect extra-pair paternity in great reed warblers. Behaviour 141:863-880.
130 Westerdahl H, Hansson B, Bensch S, Hasselquist D. 2004. Between-year variation of MHC allele frequencies in great red warblers: selection or drift. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17:485-492
129 Fåglar i Kvismaren - årsskrift 2003. Volym 19, 2004(1)64 pages. Örebro.