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Guide to the area

The nature reserve Kvismaren consists of two large reed areas, East and West Kvismaren, which have been partly restored to create two shallow lakes, Rysjön and Fågelsjön.

The hill Öbykulle between East and West Kvismaren is the central point in the nature reserve. From the top of the hill you have a good view over most of the reserve. Here you also find parking places, information points, picnic areas and toilets. There is also a small information centre, which is open during spring weekends. Here you find further information about the reserve and the bird observatory. There are also books, postcards and lithographs for sale here.

Lake Rysjön is situated west of Öbykulle. About 800 metres walk from the hill there is a birding tower where you get a splendid overview of lake Rysjön with its grebes, ducks and geese. In Rysjön you also find a hide where you can get a closer look at the waterfowl.

Lake Fågelsjön is situated east of Öbykulle. A track runs from the hill to Åslaholmen, a small peninsula dividing lake Fågelsjön in two parts. On the northern shore of the western part of Fågelsjön, there is a platform for birdwatching.

Grazed shore meadows are found at Fiskinge, Hammar and Killingen. At these meadows large numbers of cranes are roosting in the autumn. These areas are also important resting-places for different species of waders during migration.

The nature reserve Sörön is a grazed deciduous grove mixed with open meadows. During springtime huge numbers of blue and white anemones covers the ground. Many species of birds are breeding in the grove, among others Icterine Warbler and Ortolan Bunting. The hazel groves and old oak trees of Sörön are well worth a visit!